The Waiting Game

As my husband and I drove by a local pond this morning, we saw this pastoral scene of cows cooling in a pond while a flock of ducks stood by watching.  It reminded me of summer camp when swimming pool time was divided into groups.  If one group went overtime, then the other group would stand by the pool staring.  It was like the ducks were saying, "Get out of the pool!  It's our turn now!"  This got me thinking about waiting.  People struggle with waiting.  Have you found yourself getting frustrated at a drive-thru restaurant when your food takes longer than five minutes?  Have you gotten frustrated at a stoplight when it takes longer than you think it should?  How about if it skips your turn, and you end up waiting through two light changes?  How about waiting in a Walmart check-out line?  Now that everything is self-checkout, there are only a couple of lines that are manned by a cashier.  If you are paying cash or have a cart filled with groceries, you want a cashier, but the line seems to go on forever.  Has waiting become a new concept?  Absolutely not!  Time has not changed, but our temperaments have.  We have become a civilization that struggles with waiting.  Waiting is simply allowing others to go before you.  Isn't that the heart of the problem of today's society?  It has become a society that values our own time and ourselves over others.  We may be busy, but we can become so busy that we don't allow God to work through us.  My husband and I were almost finished with a long walk when we noticed a man sit on the ground a few yards before us.  We had a choice finish the walk because we had things to do, or find out if the man was okay.  We chose to check on the man along with another woman.  We found out that the man had become confused and walked out of the hospital with a leg injury without them being aware he left.  We loaded him in our car and returned him to the hospital.  He thanked us over and over.  So this is the point.  We need to not become so busy that God has no time to work through us.  Remember, God uses people to accomplish His will.  It's just a matter of waiting on God.


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