What Is That Stench?

 My youngest son has discovered a new show that he has been binge-watching for days.  One day, I sat in on an episode just to make sure it was on the up and up.  The show is based on a family with 3 children.  On this particular episode, the parents noticed a strange smell spreading through the whole second story of their home.  They walked from one child's room to the next, only to discover horrifying things that contributed to the smell from left-over broccoli that one child refused to eat for dinner to smelly, putrefied socks.  I felt that this episode was totally realistic.  It hasn't been that long since all of my children were still under the same room.  I remember that each child had their own room clutter issue.  My youngest has had the problem of water bottle hoarding.  When he got a new bed, we had to remove the old bed from against the wall.  I was horrified to find over a hundred half-full water bottles.  It was enough to construct a trash bag life raft for a third-world country.  We spent 30 minutes emptying water bottles so that our trash would weight a ton while I lectured on the value of water.  When I would visit my oldest son's room, I would find food wrappers.  I'm talking about more wrappers than the candy aisle at Walmart.  At one point, I found half of a bundt cake from like a week earlier in his room!  My daughters were of a different caliber.  I thought that my towels were dwindling.  It wasn't until my daughters cleaned their room that I found half of the towels from our house in their room- still damp!  They would wrap their wet hair in a towel, and the rest is history.  Just like the show, all of these things would create a horrible smell.  This happens because the source of the smell sits in its bad condition too long.  It remains stagnant.  One of the definitions of stagnant is showing no activity-dull and sluggish.  This same thing happens to Christians.  When we sit around too long in stagnancy, we begin to stink.  Some may sit showing no activity because they are angry with something or someone that has affected their lives.  They may be depressed or sad about something.  Or it could simply be that they are becoming comfortable with just sitting back and watching.  Either way, the attitude become pessimistic or noncommittal causing our actions or lack of actions to repel others.  The best way to rid your house of a stink is to find the source of the smell and remove it.  We can try to cover it up with air freshener or hide the smell, but it only masks the problem.  Until you remove the source, it remains.  Is there a stink spiritually in your life?  Ask God to clean up the mess and let your life become an active and sweet fragrance to Him.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors! 


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