Chasing Water


Have you ever had a moment where you were so relieved there wasn't a camera recording what you were doing? I had a moment this week when I was so thankful I wasn't on a hidden camera reality show. It all took place in a Walmart bathroom. I know it sounds like a bad joke...a blonde was in a Walmart bathroom. Trust me. It was almost that bad. I had just gone to the bathroom, and I did what every germ-conscious person does- wash hands. This is where the joke began. Technology and I had a moment of struggle. I held my hand under the soap dispenser, only to realize it was a manual dispenser. After soaping up,the sink and I truly had a "Whack-a-Mole" moment. I put my hand under the automatic faucet that protruded from the wall. Nothing. I did what everyone does. I moved to the next faucet, at which point the previous faucet poured out water. I quickly moved back, only for it to suddenly stop. This little dance went back and forth between three faucets for five minutes!!! I really think that some employee was standing on the other side of the mirror turning the water on and off while laughing hysterically. Have you ever felt spiritually thirsty but it feels like my faucet drama? You search here and there but you just can't seem to quench that spiritual thirst? Jesus mentioned in the Bible that blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. What we all really want is to be loved, wanted, safe, and treated with kindness. Righteousness means a right-standing with God. All those things happen when we are in a good relationship with God. So how will you quench that thirst? Run to your Heavenly Father. He will give you living, fresh water that will never run out.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors.


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