Coming Home

If you examine the happy smile on my dog's face, you'll notice he is elated that my daughter has finally come home to visit since going to college. Yes, that hand scratching him belongs to her. After three months, my dog was so excited that he did his happy, happy, tail-wagging dance. It looks a little like a tap dance and a little like a prancing horse. He missed her so much, as did all of us, that he couldn't physically disguise his joy that someone he loved had made it home. It made me think of God. As Jesus told the parable of the prodical son, he tells the story of a son who had taken his inheritance from his father, then left the father to squander away everything. At his lowest point, he returns to his father, only to find the father waiting and celebrating a lost son coming home. How many times do we act like the prodical son? We want God's blessings, but we don't run to Him until we're broken and at the lowest point in our life. The good news is that He is joyful when we return to Him. The better news is He is there for us the whole time. Let's not seek Him just for our inheritance of blessings and Heaven. Let's seek Him simply because He loves us and is elated to spend time with us.

Have a great week high-heeled warrior.


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