Sooo Cold

If you haven't noticed, stores have begun to sale mums. What that means is that we are entering Fall. Folks, temperatures are about to drop. For some, it is an exciting time. Sweaters and pumpkin spice everything has appeared on every shelf. My husband loves the cold because he says, "You can always put on more clothes, but I can't take off anymore clothes!" He loves cold weather. I, on the other hand, dread the cold creeping in. I joke that I am like a little, old lady always wearing a sweater and keeping my little desk heater on the moment temperatures drop. I also have another phenomenon that happens- ice block feet. No matter how many pairs of socks I wear, my feet are always cold from Fall to Spring. We have a ritual at night. My husband lets me slide my freezing feet between his legs as he lets out a high-pitched girly squeal.  Then in a snarky voice, I say, " I thought you liked the cold." The next ritual is that I will buy a set of mums for my front door that will guaranteed die within the next three weeks in my over-nurturing hands.  This year with the signs of Fall approaching, I broke the tradition of buying mums, so my husband bought me flowers instead to go on my table.  All these signs of Fall got me thinking about paying attention to the signs.  I've heard so many say that they can't tell if God loves  them or is there.  Look to the signs.  Every day, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  Every year, birds migrate south for the winter.  Every year, the seasons change- sometimes slower or more intensely than other times.  These things are consistent because God made them that way from the beginning of time.  They haven't changed because He hasn't changed. If they do change, it would be because man interfered, not because God changed.  If the same God who started all of this hasn't changed, what He said hasn't changed.  He said He would love you yesterday, today, and forever.  It is a constant in which we can form our whole image.  Simply put- we are loved by God and nothing will ever change that constant.  So the question now is, "Will you accept that love?"

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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