What Do a Deer Attack, a 30 Year High School Reunion, and a Kilt Have in Common?


This weekend was a moment of contemplating identities.  As you can see by the picture, my husband lost a giving competition to raise money for BGMC missionary giving.  The program provides Bibles and teaching materials to missionaries, and because the girls gave more, he had to preach an illustrated sermon.  He asked the question, "What identifies you?"  A kilt indicated what region a Scottish or Irish person may have belonged.  They were identified by the colors of their kilts.  So Kyle asked, "If you are a Christian, can others identify you as a Christian from your life?"  We had just returned from a long trip to Louisiana to visit his thirty year high school reunion.  One hour into the trip at dawn, we encountered a very determined doe that had decided she would run through our car or die trying.  She bounced off the front corner of the car leaving me with a hole in the headlight and a front bumper with a permanent sneer.  If my identify was my car, then I would have had an identity crisis.  We checked the damage, slapped on a little auto repair tape, and continued on.  When we arrived, we jumped right into the festivities.  This was not a typical high school reunion consisting of a dinner, some banter, and a photo.  This was days of golf tournaments, high school pep rallies, parades through town, luncheons, alumni dances, and football games.  As I watched my husband's classmates, I noticed our identities can remain stable even if circumstances change.  All the classmates were borrowing each others' "cheaters" or stretching their arms as far as they would go to read the menus.  The once partying kids were yawning at ten o'clock at night and talking about how tired they were because some had work the next day and discussing how they had to limit their intake due to acid reflux.  Meanwhile the younger class behind us were going strong.  If our identities were in our physical state, we would have an identity crisis.  At the ball game, I sat next to a sixty-year old lady that shared an umbrella with me in the rain.  She told me she was excited to see the ball game because her grandson was playing, and she had missed seeing him the year before due to fighting cancer.  When I asked if she were okay, she smiled brilliantly and said she was cancer-free in July.  Then she said, "So a little rain isn't going to hurt me at all."  Her positive outlook and identity were in overcoming.  When the things around became hard, it didn't destroy her because her identity was in being cared for by God who helped her overcome.  So again, "Would others be able to take one look at you and identify you as belonging to God?"  Or are you struggling with an identity crisis?  If so, spend a little time getting to know who God says you are.  You can find it in His Word.  Here a little to start you out. 

 "For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
"  Psalms 139:13- 14  (NIV)

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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