A Sign on my Lawn From God


My daughter is working on a special assignment for one of her college classes.  She needs to focus on one positive thing to add to her life daily in order to help her become motivated and productive.  In her research, she found that a study showed half of college students attending a two-year college dropped out after the first year due to lack of motivation.  She decided that she would use positive affirmation each morning.  The affirmations may be something like, "You've got this" or "You are smart enough to make it."  For her, she needed to begin the day focusing on the positives.  The next day after she told me about her assignment, I noticed my dog standing at attention.  He only does this if there's an animal in my yard, so I braced myself for barking and pulling on the leash.  Instead, I noticed something red blowing slightly in the breeze, yet sitting on my lawn.  As I approached, I saw a helium balloon that had gotten away from its' original owner and found its' way onto my lawn.  I looked at it as a sign that God was telling me today was going to be a great day. It literally said, "Today is your day."  I went about the day with a positive attitude because I started it with a positive thought.  It really was one of the best and most productive days I've had in a while.  I wasn't even drained by the end of the day.  The difference from the other days?  It was how I started my day.  Everything was going to be okay.  As I thought about this, another thought occurred to me.  If my day was so much better because of positive thinking that it was going to be a great day- my day, what would my day have been like if I looked at the sign a different way?  What if I had read it as, "It's Your Day" and added "God" on the end of it?  How much better would our days become when we start our day letting God know that no matter what happens, we won't lose focus from who gave us breath, who made this day, and who will bring us tomorrow?  So now, I will continue positive affirmation because I want longevity in life and in my walk with God.  However, instead of telling God what a great day He is going to give me, I think I'll let Him know that I recognize that this wonderful day is brought to me by Him and will continue to be His.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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