The Dragon Tattoo

 No, I did not get a real tattoo. This last week, a temporary coworker had finished her work, so we threw her a little party. She has joked about getting a dragon tattoo, so in honor of her, we all put on a temporary dragon tattoo. I've always said I'm too aversed to pain to get a real tattoo. As some friends were explaining the meanings of their tattoos, I said that if I ever got one, it would be a dot. And the meaning of my tattoo would be, "Owwww." The funny thing is that this whole week, I've sported this dragon because it won't come off. I've tried to prank my college kids telling them I got a tattoo. They know me too well. This made me think about being marked. Did you realize that we are marked? When we become a child of God, we are marked as His own. He wrote his name upon our hearts declaring us His own. When others see us, they see indications of His marking through our love, forgiveness, and obedience to His Word. So you may not see a dragon tattoo forever, but you will see an even greater sign on me. It says, "Child of God." And the best part is it didn't hurt at all to get it!

Have a great week high-heeled warrior!


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