Turkey Candy?

Yes, you read correctly. As I shopped in Walgreens, I felt the pull of my sweet tooth directing me to the half-off Halloween candy aisle. Of course, all of the good candy had already disappeared, but I saw a bag that caught my interest. It was a turkey dinner in a bag of candy corn. Most would shy away from something so risky, but since I teach the youth group, I was all over it. A co-worker and I sampled the candy before youth group. How could you not try the Willy Wonka bubble gum? (Some of you may have gotten the Violet B. reference.) This is a spoiler alert. I'm going to give away the flavors. The green beans were not bad. Weird, but not bad. Cranberry was actually good. However, when we got to the turkey, something was off. It looked great, but it had a taste that didn't match the looks. The turkey dressing/stuffing had a horrendous taste that had us all running to the trash can. It looked good, but left a horrible after taste in your mouth. As a Christian, you can dress up for church. You can look the part, but God looks into the heart of man. As we enter Thanksgiving season, evaluate your heart. Are you grateful? Do you focus on what's important- your relationship with God, or do you get caught up in the drama around you? When others speak with you, do you leave a proverbial "bad taste" in their mouths? Or do people recognize your heart reflects God? If your inside does not match the outside, ask God to help.

Happy Thanksgiving high-heeled warriors!


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