It's all About Family- The Proposal


This has been an exciting week for my family. My son proposed to his girlfriend of two years this weekend. He wrote a story of their history together using real pictures of them. On the last page, he had picture of him on his knee with the words "Will you marry me?" As I watched her read the special book and saw him take a knee, I couldn't help but get a little teary. It was a sweet, loving moment, but also a sign that my son was not my little boy anymore. He has now taken steps to start his own family. This made me think about Mary and Joseph from the Bible. We showed a musical movie this morning that I had written years ago. It was the premise of if Jesus were born today. Can you imagine the stress Mary and Joseph went through knowing that they were starting a family with so much struggle. Joseph needed great faith to believe God was involved in this birth. Mary had to be strong knowing so many would judge her. But most of all, when God was the center of their marriage, they could overcome hard obstacles. So as my son and future daughter-in-law start planning for their new life, I pray for love, trust, and God to fill their future home! I've included the link to "The New Nativity" for you to enjoy.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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