Ornaments on my Tree

My children are growing up.  As they grow older, they gain not only independence, but also their own lives. It makes a parent run nostalgic about their childhood. As my children helped me decorate my house for this Christmas, I remembered memories behind different ornaments. One of the things I decided long ago was to buy my children a different ornament for every year. When they moved out, they would have enough ornaments for their own tree. As I examined them, memories came flooding back of moments when they chose the perfect ornament.  When they chose the basketball and high-heeled shoe to represent them, only to laugh at their choices years later. Those ornaments are symbols of change and growth. They journal the paths of who my children have become. So as I look at my ornaments, I enjoy these goofy, homemade ornaments because they will one day follow my children to their own homes. Their memories, however, will stay here forever.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors.


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