The Difference Between Jesus and Santa

Let me start this by saying that I know this is going to be a post that may stir some controversy. This is not meant to be a judgement between pro-Santa or no Santa. It is simply a statement of why we need to make sure that our focus stays foremost on Jesus this Christmas. 1 Santa brings lots of material things that break, go out of style, and are forgotten. Jesus brings the gift of eternal life that never ends. 2. Santa comes once a year. Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us. 3. Santa's gifts were made by the work of others- elves. Jesus' gifts  were given at the cost of His life that He freely gave for you. 4. Santa says if you work hard enough and do enough good deeds, you can be on the nice list. Jesus says that you can never be good enough. That's why His grace covers our sins and redeems us. 5. Santa only asks for milk and cookies. Jesus asks for everything. He wants all of you. So my question is, "What are you giving Jesus this Christmas?"

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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