The Greatest Gift You Received This Christmas

My family and I have a joke between us. My husband is known for waiting until the last minute to shop for me for Christmas. He says that it is because I ruin the surprise by either finding out what he bought me or buying the same thing he bought for myself. Let it be known that I do not snoop. You won't find me scampering through closets or shaking presents to figure out what he bought me. I've just read a lot of mystery books, so I can't help but pick up on clues. My daughter is carrying on this special talent by guessing what I got her for Christmas. This leaves my husband in a precarious situation- Walmart on Christmas Eve. That, my friend, is a true horror story. What my children and husband want more than anything is to know what I want for Christmas. This is what every person wants,whether they realize it or not, is time. As my whole family gathered together before Christmas for family photos, I felt joy listening to their interactions. Watching my family work together as they laughed was the most satisfying gift the gave me. What about God this Christmas? He gave you the best gift- time. How so? By giving His son, Jesus, God gave you the opportunity for eternal life. Seeing the family who have passed away and never to be separated again is a gift that is priceless. The chance to experience a world without pain, depression, war, and death is what we all long to have. This gift is available to you just by believing in Jesus and letting Him be an active part of your life. So what is the best gift you receive d for Christmas? Time. It's just that some of you haven't unwrapped it yet.

Have a great week high-heeled warrior!


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