Fat Little Baby


When you look at this picture, there are so many questions. Why being the foremost. As some may know, my husband and I love to help a children's ministry charity called BGMC. This program provides Bible materials to missionaries all over the world. If the boys in our church raise more money, I dress up on a Sunday. If the girls raise more, my husband dresses up. As you can see, the girls won! He dressed up as a fat baby. His sermon was dedicated to Hebrews 5:12-14 where the church is admonished to grow up and stop depending on spiritual milk. It was mentioned that by this time they should doing more than just attending. They should be teaching- digging into God's word for themselves. My challenge for you is that your relationship with God should become more than being spoon-fed the Sunday morning sermon. When you are passionate about something, you want to learn all there is to know about it. My husband loves a show called, Forged in the Fire. I know way more than any woman should know about Damascus steel and forging weapons. It's knowledge I hope to never need. I know all of this because we watched so many episodes. He wanted to learn more because he found a love for this hobby. Do you love God? Are you desperate to learn as much as you can about His words or what He loves? Or are you spending just enough time to say you know a little. Let your relationship be more than drinking milk. Really dig into God's Word and be more than a spiritual baby.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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