New Year's Resolutions- What is Self-Care?

It's a new year, so stores are exchanging Christmas gifts with exercise equipment. This is the point where we all make New Year's resolutions. You know the types of resolutions- diet, exercise like you're going to the Olympics, and never say another negative word again. The problem with this is that we create goals that are impossible to achieve. When we fail ( which we will eventually) we feel like failures and give up until the next year. Here's the question of the day. "What would happen if we just choose to take care of our lives like it was God's house?" I've noticed a word has been flooding the internet- Self-Care. Many interprete the term to mean manicures, an expensive coffee, and frequent vacations away from responsibility. There is nothing wrong with these things, but this is not self- care. The Merriam- Webster's Dictionary defines Self-Care as, "care for oneself." I've helped clean the church for many years, so I have a bit of knowledge about taking care of God's house. If we took care of ourselves as though it were the temple of God, what would it look like? 1) There would be cleaning. We would remove the trash from our lives. What would you consider trash in your lives? Remove it. You can take this as things that clutter your life and make it difficult to function. Is it worry, fear, or literal junk? 2) There would be maintenance. This would be making sure things are running as they should. If there is something that needs repaired, you repair it. Is there a relationship that needs repairing? 3) You recognize it is where you meet God, so out of love for God, you honor and respect it. No vandalism. You don't destroy God's house. You may take care of yourself physically, but do you vandalize God's house- you- by tearing yourself down, by seeing yourself through anything less than God's eyes of beauty? You are fearfully and wonderfully made. So you may make a resolution to take better care of yourself this year, but also remember that our care is letting God have space in our lives, not just getting a good coffee.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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