So Thirsty


I struggled this week with sinus/respiratory issues. Although it wasn't COVID, it still caused problems. Due to all the drainage in my throat, I have been perpetually thirsty.  At any point, I was drinking three beverages at one time. I drank hot coffee, but the caffeine made me hyper. No one wanted a chattering squirrel in the office. I started branching out into teas. I tried weird tumeric golden tea, peppermint ginger tea, and simple green tea- basically anything that would alleviate the dryness in my throat. I moved on to iced water and the lukewarm water. There was a desperation to quench this thirst. My daughter made sure to let me that I needed to stop saying thirsty so much because it has a different meaning now. I looked it up. According to Oxford language, thirsty means, "feeling a need to drink or having a strong desire for something." That definition covered how I felt. I had a strong desire to fill a need inside me. I thought about a chorus from about twenty years ago- Breathe. It mentions, "And I'm desperate for you." The question is, " Are you thirsty for God?" Have we become too satisfied with what we have, or are we desperate for God to quench the desire for Him completely in our lives?" My challenge is to live thirsty for Him!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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