Spotting a Fake


I noticed ads popping up on different social platforms for jewelry from expensive jewelry stores for ridiculously cheap prices. I was thinking, "Who in their right mind would think they could get a 2 karat real diamond ring for $50?" Obviously, people are creating very ligitimate-looking sites with very fake goods. Even though these sites are easy to catch, I sometimes have trouble recognizing counterfeit goods. Is some purse really name brand or a fake? Unless it says "Couch" instead of "Coach", counterfeiters can make fakes look very authentic. So how can you recognize a fake? You can't recognize every fake. When trying to catch counterfeiters in money scams, investigators are trained to study the genuine. When you know everything about the real, the fakes stand out. Some say that God isn't real, and Jesus is a fake. First of all, there has to be a real before imitations exist. Throughout history, we read stories and hear myths that sound similar to the Bible. Many use this to discount God. You can't have a copy unless there is a real. There are so many imitations today that offer peace, prosperity, and a way out, but unless you study the genuine, you may fall for a fake.  Study God's Word and ask Him to show Himself real to you. You will be amazed when He does!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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