Which One Are You?


There are two types of people- the cold-natured and warm-natured.  I am very much the former while my husband is the latter. It has been an issue our whole marriage because he can never get cool enough, and I struggle to get warm enough. With all the adjusting of the thermostat, we're lucky we haven't created a tornado in our living room. Our poor dog is either shivering or panting. My husband has always said, "You can always put more clothes on but I can't take more off!" So at any time, you may find me curled up on the floor in front of my heater like a lizard on a warming rock. I even bought myself a blanket hoodie. It has been amazing! I may look like someone from Alaska, but I was finally warm enough. However, there has been a crazy phenomenon happening in my house this week. My husband got a sinus infection. This led to a fever. He was shivering. I was suffering from hormonal fluctuations. I had a hot flash like you wouldn't believe. What did that mean? It meant he kept turning up the heater, and I kept turning on the air conditioner. He said, "It's freezing!" So I said, "You can always put on more clothes. I can't take more off " Yes, it felt good saying it until God convicted me. Isn't that the way we are at times? We make snap judgements, not truly knowing what people are going through in their lives. That's the beauty of Jesus. The Bible mentioned that He took on every pain and shame of the world when He died on the cross. He sees our weaknesses, but He also shows mercy because He knows our hearts. What I've learned from this. Show a little grace and mercy, and put on a coat when I'm cold!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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