Botox By Dog


Have you noticed the latest trends in beauty are large, bold eyebrows and plump lips. I've never been able to fit that mold. I was blessed with thin eyebrows and thin lips. I'm not a good enough artist to draw them on without looking like a clown. I've come to grips with being out of fashion. However, this week has been a weird week. I'm probably not the only one suffering from dry lips. A mix of high heat in buildings, cold wind outside, and masks holding the heat next to my mouth has resulted in a goofy look for me. I have the five-year-old licking their top lip all day look. You know the look. You look like you have a Kool aid mustache. I have been applying Chapstick, lip balm, bees' wax gloss, or anything else that will make my red mustache disappear. I realized that I look like a little girl trying to put on her mother's lipstick. I've been forced to apply it in a wide ring around my mouth. It looks like I missed my mouth! This was bad enough. Last night, I was playing with my very large dog. He was clearly annoyed, but tolerated it. Eventually, he had enough. He jumped down from my couch, and I pursued. He responded by shaking off my head scratches really close to my face. His jaw make hard contact with my lip! You can always tell when you get a bloody lip. There's the tell-tell taste of metallic and the sore spot where teeth makes contact with inner lip. So now I have a Kool aid mustache along with a lower lip that looks like it was stung by a bee- botox by nature! Isn't it wonderful that God doesn't care if you fit the latest fashion craze or life-style trend? He looks beyond the surface to what is in your heart. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look our best, but when we feel that we will never measure up, we have crossed the line of looking our best and entered into condemning ourselves to being less than who God made us- His loved and valued children. So as crazes come and go, focus on what really matters- knowing you have a Heavenly Father who loves you no matter what you look like.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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