Hallmark Movies For Men Do Exist

 After being trapped inside for several days due to snow and ice, my husband and I discovered something. With little else to do, my family and I binged a lot of movies and television shows. I tend to lean toward action-adventure, rom-com, and murder-mystery genres, while my husband loves inspirational sports movies. After watching quite a few, I realized something. After all the joking from my husband about the predictability of my beloved Hallmark movies, I noticed that there is a version of men's Hallmark movies. Let me explain.  Hallmark movies are known for sticking to a pattern. A couple randomly meet. The main character might own a bakery, have something to do with dogs, be a decorator, or possibly a wedding planner. The guy is some type of clueless or ruthless business man. There may be a mistaken identity, conflict to destroy a business, or fight to save a quaint town. There is almost always a gazebo, cute village, dog park, ballroom, elevator, or snow globe. The point is good overcomes evil.  For years my husband made fun of my love for this simplicity. During the storm, I discovered that guys have their own version of Hallmark movies. There are some basic premises for sports movies. There is a past-his-prime player, underdog, Coach, or team that has to overcome a hardship/tragedy, redeem their name, or prove their abilities. There is some kind of struggle to get to a championship, win a medal, or prove everyone wrong. Good overcomes evil! This is just like Hallmark films. Don't believe me? Watch Rudy, Chariots of Fire, Eddie the Eagle, etc...What is my point? Everyone truly wants to see good overcome evil. The good news is it has already happened when Jesus died on a cross. He overcame death, Hell, and the grave so we could be victorious and have eternal life. We don't need a movie to experience victory- just Jesus! 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


  1. Well said Sister Yvette, just got a text from Pastor Kyle and he's having trouble as you know with his system but I thought I'd let you know but he did let me know he was having trouble it's not on yet.


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