Hospital Stay- Letting God Heal the Source of Your Pain

 Many have read my husband's post earlier this week. He was admitted in the hospital due to pancreatitis. He is doing well and healing. This wasn't a sudden pain that came overnight. For the past few weeks, he was feeling pains in his back that were treated. Then came pain that mirrored acid reflux. They treated those symptoms. He was next treated for a slow colon. None of the treatments seemed to help. He finally went to the E.R. at 3 am. They looked at his treatment history of x-rays, ultrasounds, and medications and determined the next step was a CAT scan. Upon reading that scan, the source of weeks of pain was found and treatment was started. Healing could finally happen. Sometimes we feel emotional pain and try to relieve the symptoms to no avail. We work through our self-medications without ever getting to the source of our pain. When we look at the Samaritan woman at the well in the Bible (John 4), she had been abused, rejected by one man after another, and learned to live on the fringe of society to avoid their disapproval. She self-medicated the depression and rejection with unhealthy relationships. When Jesus found her at the well, He first told her what she needed to heal her-Living Water. He pointed out the symptoms by asking her to go get her husband. She then showed the source of her pain by confessing she was not married and was with a man who wasn't her husband. Jesus then began to speak to her of her broken past. He revealed the source of her pain and offered the healing solution. He was the solution. She rushed off to tell her village that Jesus saw everything she had ever done and offered forgiveness.  Have you tried to treat your pain without relief? Allow Jesus to have everything, even the shame, brokenness, rejection, and pain. In His unconditional acceptance regardless of what you deserve, He will heal the source. 

Have a great week high-heeled warrior!


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