Valentine's Day- Are You Just Not Feeling It?

I've spoken with a lot of people this week who've mentioned to me that they just can't get into Valentine's Day this year. Whether they are dealing with the loss of a loved one, anxiety, depression, or simply because they are alone, the idea of celebrating a holiday about flowers, food, and gifts given by a significant other just seems overwhelming. Maybe you fit into one of those areas today. I researched a little about Valentine's Day. Some say that the holiday encompasses the story of a priest named Valentine who was willing to give his life to marry couples when Emperor Claudius II banned marriages. He felt his soldiers would be stronger if they didn't have wives or children to worry about or distract. Valentine was beheaded for putting others lives and love for his brother above value for his own life. The Bible mentions that there is no greater love than if a man lays down his life for a brother. (John 15:13).  That's exactly what Jesus did on the cross. He showed the kind of love that said you are more valuable than anything on this earth. So this Valentine's Day, forget about the flowers, candy, and couples, and focus on true love. Take some time and have a date with Jesus- just you, Him, and His Word.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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