Trapped-My Dog Fell Through My Living Room Floor


As you can see, construction has continued on my living room and kitchen. All the floor joists are being replaced, so it's left my house with a tricky floor plan.  Thursday night, we were told to clear all the furniture out of the living room because demolition was to start the next day. Kyle and I tugged and pushed until all that was left was some random holes in the floor where concrete pillars were poured for a firmer foundation. My dog has become accustomed to one really large hole connecting the living room to the kitchen with sheetrock covering it. He created a new path under caution tape and over the sheetrock. What he hadn't realized was that there was a large new hole on the far wall of my living room covered only in black sheet plastic. We were resting on our front step when we heard a crinkle of plastic and a loud thump. We rushed in realizing our large dog was missing. We could only hear an occasional thump under the existing floor. My daughter put her head through one hole, and I disappeared upside down up to my shoulders as I called out my dog's name. Eventually, I saw him army- crawling on his belly toward the light. He poked his head through a small hole. We maneuvered him to a bigger hole that my husband jumped into to assist him. My husband pushed and I pulled until he emerged smiling like a child being rescued from a well. Now that the floor is out, we realized he loves it. He jumps through the dirt and even tried using it as an indoor potty. Needlessness to say, he is monitored very closely now. Do you feel trapped in a situation where no matter how much you try, you just can't seem to find the light? Know this. There is a Savior that is standing by you, calling your name, and waiting to rescue. Crawl toward His voice and reach for Him. Help is only a call away!

Have a great week high-heeled warrior! 


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