Under Construction- A Money Pit or a Work in Progress

This has been the craziest two weeks. As many of you know, my husband spent a few days in the hospital due to pancreatitis. He is doing much better. A new diet and prayers have done wonders! What you may not know is that during all of this, our house is being ripped to pieces! I'm talking no floors, missing ceilings, and holes in the walls. It all started with a leak in an upstairs bathroom. What we didn't realize was that when we paid for repairs two years ago, the company that dried it didn't fully dry it. Two years later, floor joists must be replaced, a wall is coming down to take weight off of beams, and other construction things are happening that I don't fully understand. Our contractor said the movie, Money Pit, comes to mind. As he pulled down a wall, he discovered 2 x4's holding up a second floor and wiring that wasn't done correctly. I told my husband that Jesus was a carpenter, so He's the only one who can make a beauty out of this mess! Think about that. As we pray and grow in our walk with Jesus, He tears down the walls we have built from hurt and anger, He begins to reveal faulty wiring. We're wired into the wrong source of life and light. We're dependent on our own plans and miscommunications. He reveals weak foundations and and poor supports. We've not let His Word be the pillars of our lives. But here's the beauty, no matter how big of a mess you are, He happens to be a carpenter that can restore you from the inside out! He will pull off the broken and create a work of beauty!

Have a great week high-heeled warrior!


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