Broken- A Good or Bad Thing?


When I thought about what I would write about today, I had a light post prepared, but this morning I felt I needed to change what I had planned. Not sure who this is for, but here goes... having four children taught me an important lesson. Don't collect expensive things and don't get too attached to things. If it was important, I put it away until my children were older- teenage years are not old enough because there will be at least one physical fight or wrestling match and something broken before they are fully grown. I believe at one point I even complained that everything I owned was broken. It even changed the way I shopped. I started thrifting so that I would not get too upset if things broke. Now that my children are grown and the wrestling stage has passed, I'm struggling to leave the "broken" mindset. As we continue our home renovation, we are beginning to purchase new furniture. My husband laughed at me because I struggled to pay full-price for some bar stools. I kept looking for used (and according to my husband ugly) stools. He finally convinced me that the new stools would last us a long time. I couldn't get past thinking, "What if they end up broken?" This morning in the worship service, God touched a lot of hearts. I can tell a good service by the state of my glasses. When they are coated in salt from tears and make-up, then I know God moved. Many came to God broken. Has life created a hurt and broken mentality in you? When Jesus died on the cross, He was broken for us. He rose from the dead, able to heal and restore. Because I became a huge thrifter, I began to recognize the difference between repaired and restored. Repaired patches the problem, but evidence of the brokenness may still remain. Restored brings the object back to its' former beauty. Jesus restored you! The problem is when we become so accustomed to a "broken mentality" that we are afraid of fully opening up and trusting others. "What if I end up broken again?" Because we have been restored to new, I challenge you to let go of the broken glasses that shade your life and embrace a brand new life!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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