No Gimmicks- Movie Review of Church People

I don't normally do this, but after watching a movie on Amazon Prime, I wanted to let you know about it. In case you haven't noticed, it is very difficult to find a good movie that is absent of cursing, nudity, a or sexual content. This movie is clean. First, I need to start by saying this movie is a comedy/satire. The premise of the movie is that in the church's zeal for drawing people in, the message became lost in the gimmick. The youth pastor of a mega-church, Guy, has just come off a long book tour disallusioned by how caught up the world has become with attention-grabbing stunts, his lead pastor included. The head usher, played by Steven Baldwin, places timely moments of advice that causes all to evaluate their hearts. As the pastor becomes desperate to draw a crowd on Good Friday by performing a real crucifixion, the youth pastor and the pastor's daughter try to convince the pastor that the simple message that Jesus loved the world so much that He died on the cross so we don't need to. Joey Fatone, the worship pastor, brings comic relief.  The movie brings the message in an entertaining way to ask the question, "Is Jesus enough for you?" If you want a cute, clean move, I recommend it.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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