Stairway to Heaven

The first thing you need to know is that I don't like heights. It wasn't always this way. As I've grown older, I've learned that I can't even swing on a swing set without feeling dizzy. That is why it was particularly distressing when our staircase was torn out of our two-story house. I'm thankful for the new staircase being built. Our contractor mentioned it was a miracle it hadn't fallen apart thus far. I say there must have been angels holding them up. The distressing part of the weekend was that in order to get forgotten things, it involved climbing an eight foot ladder and swinging my leg over the ladder to pull myself up to the floor. I managed to make the trekk three times. There was one trekk I couldn't take. My very large Weimmeraner had to be left in my bedroom upstairs while I was at work. This would be fine except for the fact that there were no longer stairs and a very large gap from the first floor to the second floor. My contractor manuvered an eight foot ladder into place and disappeared onto the second floor. A moment later, my dog raced to the edge and skidded to a stop with a scaredy cat whimper. After coaxing, tightening his harness, and a firm tug, he was temporarily flying. We caught him and gently lowered him to freedom! His smile showed relief and joy. Do you feel like you've been trapped in a difficult place? We can whimper in fear, paralyzed by the inability to see an escape. What we need to remember is that God has already prepared a way of escape even before we see it, sometimes it's on the other side of the fire like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Sometimes God shuts the mouth of the lion like Daniel. Sometimes God provides food and comfort like Elijah. The beauty is no matter where your difficult place may be, God is there. The question is will you take a leap of faith, or will he pull you whimpering and screaming? 

Have a great week high-heeled warrior!


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