The Final Straw

 Ever heard the phrase, "straw that broke the camel's back or the final straw?" I've heard it often and thought I understood the phrase, but it wasn't until the last few weeks that I gained full understanding of the desperation that bathes this phrase. Many know my house had to be torn to the dirt under the house. Due to water damage that had not been fully dried from a couple of years back, all the floor joists were rotted. My family and I have lived like college students in a dorm room  for months. Ok, one actually was a college student, but I thought that time in my life had passed. Add on all the typical things that happen with your children as they move off. They may be grown up, but they will always be your babies that occupy your mind. Add my husband dealing with some health stuff. Add into the soup of my life, end of the year stuff that accompanies being a teacher. I came to the point where I felt like it was just too much. One tiny thing could send me over the edge. When you go through hard times, the first thing you do is question God. "Why?" As a developmental therapist, I develop goals to help young children develop as a typical child there age. One of the hardest things for preschoolers to understand is why. They can answer straightforward questions such as what or who, but why is hard to grasp. The same can be said for adults. We are so desperate to understand why God allows something to happen that the whys occupy our hearts and minds more than trust and faith. This brings me to a scripture I have given graduates over and over again. 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV): "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." I may not know why, but sometimes I need to focus on the "who." If I stick it out no matter what's going on around me, it won't be for nothing. God is going to work it all out in the end. So instead of being the poor camel carrying all of the straw, I think I'll let God take it all.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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