When the Babies Are Grown


Yes, this huge man is the baby boy of our family! As you can see, physically, I no longer have babies. Mentally, all of my children will be my babies. There is a book called, I'll Love You Forever. As a parent, you can't make it through the book without crying. It follows the relationship of mother and son as the child grows. Toward the end, the older mother is sneaking into her grown son's house to hold him in her arms and sing to him. Spoiler alert- grab a tissue before you read the end! As a mother, you spend so much time raising your children, that you blink and suddenly they are grown. I've told my children they will never be too old for me to hold them. As they become giants compared to me, they may need to hold me, but as long ask I am here, I'll always desire to comfort my children. God is the same. That nurturing spirit came from our Heavenly Father. He placed this trait in mothers' hearts but it came from His heart. He longs to comfort you and hold you no matter how big you become. Run to Him! 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors! Happy Mother's Day!


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