The Four Trees- Which One Are You?


I can always tell when it's fruit season when my family wakes up sneezing from pollen. I always enjoy watching the fruit trees in my front yard. A year or two ago I wrote a blog about my peach tree that had finally begun to produce fruit. Since then, fruit production has become hit or miss. As you can see, the four trees in my yard are in various states of health. Isn't that same way we are as Christians? My peach tree has begun producing, but a worm has already crept and has begun to slowly destroy its' fruit.  One of my trees has struggled since it has been planted. It was okay when we first planted it, but a seed from a tree with fungus had blown by it. As the tree spent more time around the damaged seedling, the fungus destroyed it. At this point, it is only good for the fire. Another tree looks amazing. Anyone who saw it would think it was a productive tree. However, even though it looks great, it won't produce any fruit. The last tree isn't the biggest or prettiest, but it faithfully produces ever year. Changes in environment or weather doesn't change its' faithfulness to produce fruit. Which tree are you spiritually? Has the world and circumstances destroyed your walk with God? Are you the tree that started producing fruit but sin has slowly crept in to steal your fruit? Has anger, unforgiveness,  gossip, fear, or doubt destroyed goodness, faithfulness, patience, joy, or self-control? Or are you the tree no one really notices but faithfully serves God? No matter what happens in your life, your roots are deep in Christ so that nothing will cause you to fall. God desires us to be those faithful trees. It isn't about looking holier than every one else or even how many things you do at church. Do you faithfully produce the fruits of the Spirit? If you're not sure, read Galatians 5:22-23 and do a fruit assessment in your life. I'll be out next week, so I'll see you after that!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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