There Are No Flamingos in Puerto Rico

We have made it back from our adventures in Puerto Rico! One of the fun things my husband had prepared for me for our trip was a colorful wardrobe of flamingo in every color. Imagine the shirt he was wearing in the photo, but with matching shorts. It was quite impressive watching a flamingo explosion of color waltzing through the airport. At one point, a random stranger ran up to my husband to exclaim, "I love you, man!" I walked briskly ahead of him to avoid the stares, so my husband got his revenge. When we returned, it was time to celebrate the Boys and Girl's Missionary Challenge. If the girls in the children's church raise more money, my husband dresses up. If the boys raise more money, I dress up. The girls lost and my husband felt the best costume was a flamingo from Noah's Ark that could help illustrate the fact that Noah was a good father. Don't get me wrong, Noah had his moments of failure, but ultimately he insured his children lived when the floods came. The greatest thing that a parent can do is show faithfulness and love in a world that wants to give up at the first sign of pain. As Noah was heckled and humiliated, he looked past the pain of social rejection to the big picture of being faithful to God and demonstrating that faithfulness to his own children. Ultimately, even though he didn't save the world, he saved the lives of his children. So for all the faithful parents out there, keep it up. You're building a foundation that will uphold your children one day! Happy Father's Day and have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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