A Cobra, a Grasshopper, and a Pastor Get in a Car

I know, it seems like the set-up for a bad joke! Since school is starting back soon, I have been spending the last few days helping him change classrooms. This involves packing up his possessions and moving them across town to a new building, along with painting his new classroom and prepping for the return of students. We initially enrolled the help of two of my kids until my daughter spotted a grasshopper in the back seat beside her head. At that point, she informed us she was done and quickly exited the car. Our son soon followed, leaving my husband and me to haul the final load for the day- his taxidermy Cobra. As we were driving, I looked into the back seat, only to see the Cobra in one seat and the grasshopper sitting in the other seat as though he were being chauffeured. I guess it's so hot, even the grasshoppers are bumming rides. I thought, "What an eclectic sight we must make." Not a lot of people were driving around with a Cobra in the back seat looking out at the passing world. It got me thinking of the purpose of the church. It brings together people who would never hang out except for the common denominator of Jesus. In the New Testament, He brought together Jews, Gentiles, and Samaritans. None of these would be in the same house except for the fact that Jesus blew the social dividers out of the water and equalized all society. All have sinned, all need a savior, and Jesus died to set all mankind free of the curse of sin and death. One person is no better than the other, which is why the church should represent His purpose- filled with young, old, all colors, all nations. When Jesus becomes our all-in-all, then we have all things in common even if we are completely different. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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