Dating a Stranger


Meet Jonathon. Some of you may say, "Wait a minute! I thought his name was Kyle?" You would be right. A friend gave Kyle and me a book that gives you all kinds of dating ideas. You scratch off a square, and it tells you what you will be doing on your date. No one has ever said that my husband or I back down from challenges, so we thought, "why not?" My first date asked us to pick out an outfit from a thrift store of three items for our date. We would then give each other fake names that we would use the whole evening while going out in public. As we walked the aisles of the thrift store, we both realized just how hard the challenge was. It was basically asking us how well we knew our date.  What started as a leisurely look through the men's racks became frantic after an hour. My husband is a big man. The kind men (or should I say wives) who donated goods were not large men. The delimma was finding something he could wear in public that actually covered him. As entertaining as it might be, wearing pajamas, dress shoes, and a stocking cap wasn't going to work. Meanwhile, my husband was in husband hot water. He began to overthink it as he thought maybe I might want to re-wear the outfit to work. He appeared before me in a lovely shirt from the early 90"s, clam diggers in red, and a pair of orthopedic shoes a size too big. I wasn't the kindest when I asked if the point was to look like an eighty-year-old woman. After a bit of arguing, eye-rolling, and breathing breaks, he had a decent outfit for me with four-inch heels, and I had a work shirt three sizes too small from a guy named Jonathon, shorts two sizes too big that periodically started to fall down, and a sporty ball cap. We were ready for our date! I was then informed that we would be walking through a car show and going out for ice cream. We trekked (me in very high wedges) through the car show while running into a couple of people in our church wondering why we were calling each other Jonathon and Ursula. Overall, it was a fun night where we had to re-introduce ourselves to each other. This morning during worship, we asked each person to evaluate how well they knew God. Was your relationship fresh or had it grown stagnant? Have you taken for granted His presence in your life? Maybe today is a good day to re-introduce yourself to your first love. He would love to spend some quality time with you!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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