Need a TikTok or Facebook Intervention?

Have you ever found yourself so absorbed in watching mini- videos on TikTok for so long that the day has passed before you know it?  As a teacher, through the year I find myself often working on weekends and evenings writing reports/IEPs. Because of this, summer becomes a welcome respite to catch up on all the things I meant to do but didn't have time to finish. When summer started, I happened to scroll through Facebook when I found the little section with video clips. I was drawn in by the cute little golden retriever walking herself in a leash. Before I knew it, my husband came in asking what we were going to eat for dinner. Now, the summer is more than half-way over, but my list is only partially completed. I can say, however, that annoying TikTok songs and dances have wormed themselves into my head, and yes my money jiggles (if you know what I'm talking about, this is for you.). So how does this happen? I've determined that they lure you in by the cute puppies, goofy falls, and silly pranks. At this point, the hook is set. Now, you are flipping through looking for the next laugh. I hate it when someone tricks you by putting the words, "wait for it..." on the clip. Of course, human nature has to find out what's so suspenseful, only to realize it was absolutely nothing. That's 3 to 4 minutes of my life wasted. Then there's the big reveals- where someone is having a make-over with results you won't believe or something amazing is being baked. I watch, glued to my screen, waiting for the big reveal when the video suddenly ends right before the result. This is because Facebook cuts off TikTok videos, and I refuse to get the TikTok app since I recognize that I may never put my phone down if I get it. That's another 3 to 4 minutes of my life gone. Before I know it, hours have passed. I think it works like a slot machine. We scroll, scroll, and scroll until jackpot- a dog using talk buttons to say he needs to go out or he'll poop in your shoes (insert your favorite videos here). Suddenly, your brain is flooded with the same endorphins you get when you win! You've found a brief moment of happiness in a dark world! The problem is that like with gambling, we lose track of time as one 3 minute clip rolls into another on our search for good, and we find ourselves trading real-life relationships for unresponsive connections. If you don't believe me, check out couples/families when you go out to eat. I watched a couple sit together without ever making eye contact or uttering a word to each other the whole meal. They traded something real and tangible for a fantasy created by someone online.  So as you sit for a meal or even watch television with others, don't gamble for the possible win. Go for the sure thing. Unplug and connect with people around you. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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