Short Staff (The Power of Your Words)


My husband's response to this sign was, "if they get taller staff, will they stay open longer?" (Insert groan here) If you gone into public at all, one of the first things you will notice is the 'Help Wanted' signs everywhere. There seems to be a shortage of workers that has begun to affect our daily lives. I won't get into the political points that explain this worker shortage. Instead, I wanted to discuss the power of your word choice. Anyone who knows me understands my love of writing. I struggle with reading without proofing whatever I'm reading. Through writing, I have learned the power of word choice. If I choose a strong word, it allows readers to fully understand exactly what I'm trying to convey. I could say that my husband's shirt was bright. It would leave a lot of room for interpretation. However, if I said my husband's shirt looked like a flock of flamingoes ran away from a zoo and found a place of refuge amongst the jungle of palm leaves, you would have a much better idea of exactly what he was wearing.  All of this is to simply say that words have power. The Bible even mentions that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Working with young children over the years, I've seen children flourish under encouraging and positive words. I've also seen negative words create an environment of tension, stress, and eventually behavioral issues. Now, let's look at the impact of words in your life. When you wake up saying it's going to be a lousy day, chances are great that your day will be awful. When we choose negative words to surround us, everything begins to filter through that negativity. The same can be said of positive words. Your choice of words literally set the tone for your day. My challenge for you is to start your day on a positive note- or in this case- a positive word. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors.


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