God, Give Me a Sign

Today, I had the pleasure of moving one of my daughters back into her college dorm for her second year of college. As we were driving down, we noticed a random stop light in the middle of a national forest on the way to her college. The first time we encountered it, we thought how random it was to have something like a stop light in the middle of nowhere with little to no traffic. Of course, as we moved passed the sign, we saw the bridge ahead had one lane blocked as the highway crew were resurfacing the bridge. The bridge happened to be over a very popular floating/kayaking river and next to the only bathrooms on the river, thus, the stop light. Now, because the stop light makes no sense, we could choose to ignore the light, but once past, realize the light had a purpose to protect us from harm or miss-steps (in this case, miss-drives). How many times do we beg God for signs? "God, if you really want me to do this? Should I go here? Should I date or marry this person? Is what I'm about to do a good idea?" We ask for signs all the time. Sometimes God gives a clear sign like a person saying they felt like you were not supposed to do something. Sometimes you may read a Bible verse that speaks into your situation. And sometimes God blocks your path. I can't tell you how many times that I've been in a hurry and ended up getting stuck behind a slow, moving car. Frustration leads to anger as my trip becomes delayed, only to find out an accident had happened right in front of me. The slow car delayed me enough to avoid being a part of the accident. I've prayed for God to give me signs about relationships when when I was younger. When He did, I had a dilemma. I didn't like the answer. I wanted a family now! God said not yet. This led to the stop sign in the middle of nowhere. Do I ignore it and fly right past it pursuing my own path, or do I wait no matter how random and pointless it seems? I could go my own path, but God's stop signs are there to protect me from things I'm not even aware of in the future. I chose to stop and wait. As many may know, I just celebrated my twenty-fifth anniversary and have four beautiful young adult children. It's been a lot of hard work, forgiveness, and listening to God, but worth every stop sign I had to endure. If you're asking for a sign from God, be prepared to obey it. God knows the future, you don't. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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