My Obsession


My husband came home yesterday and handed me a fashion magazine. He told me that his elderly father had this magazine delivered to his house. Now my ex-military father-in-law definitely is not the type to thumb through Elle magazine so my husband passed the magazine on to me. As I looked through the latest fashions, it provided entertainment for my family. One fashion statement was what appeared to be a floor-length hoodie made out of puffy coat material- think Back to the Future jacket meets moody teenage meets prom.  As we guffawed through each page of ridiculous fashion, my son asked if people actually bought this stuff. My answer was absolutely, if they are obsessed with the latest fashion. This had me thinking about obsession, not the perfume. As kids we were obsessed with the latest toys. I remember cutting out pictures from the Sears catalog to give hints at what I wanted for Christmas. I was obsessed with getting that gift. I would tell all my friends about it and encourage them to ask for it too. Are you obsessed with God? Is He all you can think about? When you wake up, is He who you want to talk to first? Are you so obsessed with God that you tell others about His goodness so they can have it too? In Matthew 18:2-4 mentions that unless we change and become like a little child we won't enter the kingdom- His kingdom. This scripture took place when children were rushing up to Jesus. The disciples were trying to move them away when Jesus spoke these words. He wasn't telling them to act childish or get in a time machine and become younger. He simply meant that we need to keep the child-like faith- humble and willing to learn, excited to spend time with God, and obsessed with Him. Ever watch children worship God? It's humbling. Forget what people may think. It's just them and God. Ever watch them pray? It's bold and filled with faith. They know what it means to be obsessed. So my question is, "Are you obsessed with God?" Because He is obsessed with loving you, so much that He died for you. What will you do for Him?

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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