Pirates, Anyone?

First of all, I have not dyed my hair to black. Our church just finished up Vacation Bible School this week. Our theme was a Pirate Party Deep Sea Adventure, thus pirates everywhere! Anyone who knows me knows that I will dress up at the drop of a hat if it will reach people for Jesus. I've been a doctor, a CSI agent, a cowboy, a clown, a queen, a slew of Bible characters, a flamingo, and a Pirate just to name a few. There are so many that I can't remember them all. This character required a black wig and a hearty spirit me' mateys! I had several people tell me that it took them 15 to 20 minutes before they recognized who I was. There is something fun about being someone else. Maybe it is because you can leave your comfort zone and embrace who you've always wanted to be. I'm an introvert. Anyone who knows me knows I like to hide in the background and make things happen. Only those really close to me see the goofy, playful person. However, when the costumes go on, then I become the performer that isn't nervous about talking in front of a crowd. It's extremely ironic because I lead worship in front of crowds every Sunday. Here's the wonderful thing. God uses the foolish to confound the wise. You may wonder what that means. It simply means when an extreme introvert gets up and performs in front of crowds, you know it had to be God, not them. When we recognize it is God, we build our faith that He can do greater things. So I will continue putting on costumes for children's ministries and God if it means He can show himself faithful to those around me! The big question is what will I be next...

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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