Twenty-five Years and Counting


My husband and I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last week! My husband decided to throw a surprise party for me last week to celebrate. If anyone knows me well, they know I am a murder/mystery buff, not the real stuff. I like the challenge of solving the mystery, not the actual act. My children refuse to watch mysteries with me because I solve it in the first five minutes. My husband says he refuses to buy my Christmas gifts until Christmas Eve because I find the gift or figure it out. I think the real reason is because he is a procrastinator. All this is to say I got the feeling that something hinky was going on. My son at college called my husband instead of me. This rarely happens. Then my husband responded that he would step out to speak to him- hinky. Next, my husband got a phone call and disappeared in the bathroom with a sudden need to use the restroom. I immediately heard the flushing of the toilet. I thought it was way too soon to be flushing. Every time we went anywhere I waited for someone to jump out or someone to be hiding. On the day of the party, my husband was driving me to our church's small group. I watched the clock as he took forever in the store. I then told him to hurry up or we would be late. He made a wrong turn to which I I corrected him, then another wrong turn. At this point, I told him that he needed to visit his doctor because he was struggling with his memory. Eventually, we arrived at the church where a crowd of people were waiting to wish us well. I knew something was coming, but I just couldn't figure out exactly what my husband had planned. I had to trust it would happen eventually. Are you struggling because you know God promised something, but it just isn't happening? Has something happened that has you questioning God and His plans? We may not understand the why of what God is doing, but we can stand on the truth that He is preparing a place just for you in Heaven. He will work things out. He only asks you to trust Him. Eventually, the day will come and SURPRISE it will all make since! Until then, stay faithful and know God is working all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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