Do You Recognize the Signs?

Everyone loves a good sign. As I was driving in my area, I noticed a sign for a yard sale. There were many signs around it, but this one stood out from all the others. The owner of the sign drew a pirate pointing in the direction of the sale with the title, "Yaaar Sale." A short drive later, there was another sign with a drawn Lionel Richie and the caption, "Hello, is it deals you're looking for?" I never made it to their yard sale, but I was very impressed with their signage. In today's society, good advertising is the key to a business gaining success or failure. Super Bowl ads are proof of this. We pay attention to the signs. Spiritually, are you paying attention to the signs? In Revelation, it mentions the signs of Jesus' return to Earth. There will be floods and famine at the same time. Wars and rumors of wars will be prevalent. People will be lovers of themselves and money more than God. The love of many will turn cold. Guys, the signs are getting pretty obvious. I'm not going to be one of those people standing on the street corner saying "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand", but the sentiment is true. Even if Jesus doesn't return in your lifetime, you will see Him eventually. Death is certain. The question is not if, but when. I've started seeing people my age unexpectedly dying, whether through car accident or sickness. Your rapture may be with this Earth or it may be individually, but it will happen eventually. The question is what you are going to say to God when you see Him face-to-face? Will you say that you thought there would be more time? Will you say that God made you mad? Will you say you just didn't think about it, or will you say, "what took you so long?" Either way, have you paid attention to the signs? I had a dream the other night. In my dream, I walked outside and noticed the sky looked like a sunset. I'm not sure if it was the moon, but it was an orange-red color. You could feel a stillness, and then a loud horn, almost like a shofar or french horn sounded all through the area. News was reporting the sound world-wide. Then, I turned to my left and saw a man standing there, then he seemed to evaporate in a flash as though he were being vacuumed through the sky and then gone. This happened with lots of people. I heard some yell that it must be aliens, but others pleaded with God to forgive them, except it was too late. People were crying and trying to figure out how to live and eat in the fall-out from the rapture of many. The world had become chaos. As  I saw the pirate yard sale sign, I realized that I needed to fulfill the purpose of signs and point you in the right direction. God loves you beyond anything man or woman can love. He longs for you to be with Him, but He will not force you to choose Him. It's entirely your choice. My purpose is to remind you that you will need to make a choice eventually. I hope you choose the One who loves with an everlasting love.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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