Don't Ask Me to Paint Your House


I've mentioned that for the last seven months, my house has been a construction zone. When we started this journey, we thought there were a few soft spots in the floor. Once demolition was started, we quickly found that every floor joist in three-fourths of our two-story house needed replacing. We went through a season of nothing but a really big hole and dirt instead of a living room and kitchen. After digging down where the floor once stood and removing the wall separating the kitchen and living room, rewiring the first floor, and rebuilding the whole stairway, we come to the final leg of this construction. Our contractor told us to start our painting because the floors will be in soon. Now, I need to tell you that words cannot fully express my hatred for painting. I start out okay, but after twenty minutes, I begin to feel the stirrings of impatience. I begin to rush the process, and before you know it, I am slopping paint all over the place. The good news is that the floors have not yet been installed, so paint on plywood is no big deal. However, my husband cringes as I offer to help him paint because this means he will need to touch up most of the ceiling edges. Let's bring this around to our walk with God. Do you find yourself impatient and rushing the process with God? We start out well telling God how much we trust Him, but when it takes longer then we think it should, we become sloppy in our walk. We look for short-cuts instead of God's will.  I have never been interested in endurance running. In high school, the track coach always put me in long-distance running because I could run a lot without tiring. However, my impatience would make me long for the end before I had finished. Instead of concentrating on the journey and strategy, I complained. Do you find yourself complaining and looking so much for the answer to your prayer that you miss what God is trying to teach you in the journey? If I paint correctly, I learn skill and patience. If I run long-distance correctly, I learn patience and endurance. What is God trying to teach you in the waiting? Hebrews 10:36 ESV "For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised."

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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