I Bought a Box of Brown Recluse Spiders!


My ladies group at church attended a women's retreat this weekend. The retreat ran a thrift store closet as a fundraiser. As I perused the various gismos and gadgets, I noticed an instrument box tucked under a table. It was trombone box. The price sticker read "ten dollars." Now, I thought, "If this case has a real trombone in it, this is an amazing deal!" My son plays the trombone, so I knew it would be an awesome gift for him. As I unfastened the clasps, I held my breath. Once open, I confirmed that I deed it was a trombone in good shape. The problem was that I would need to wrestle the massive brown recluse spider and all of her babies for it. Some of you may not know that as a teenager, I was bitten on my leg by a brown recluse spider. As it began to change into a rainbow of purple, browns, and black, we thought my leg would go to the next step of rotting out. My mother took me to church and had ladies pray. The bite healed immediately without ever rotting out, even though the doctor said it was inevitable. With this story in mind, picture me opening the case to my worst nightmare! I snapped it shut and thought no instrument was worth facing those spiders. Then I thought of my son and the joy he would get from that instrument. I presented the case to the lady at the register and informed her that someone had donated a trombone filled with spiders for her fundraiser. It was like an episode of Saw. Her face morphed into horror! She thought I was crazy when I told her I would buy it if I could de-spider it. After a search of the campground, I found some wasp spray. I opened the case again to a wiggly, creepy, crawling mess. After blasting the case with half a can of Raid, it dripped with finality. The spiders either died from pesticide or drowning. After some hours in the sun, with the help of a friend, I loaded the case in a contractor trash bag because the ladies I rode with said I was out of my mind if I thought I was going to bring that case in the car without being completely wrapped. My son loved the gift, and I loved the lack of spiders. Spiritually, I can't help but think of the scripture in the Bible that mentioned that a good father would never give his son a snake when he asked for bread. How many times do we blame God, our Heavenly Father, when things go wrong? The person who donated the trombone only thought they were freely giving a trombone for a good cause. They didn't throw spiders in there to make it interesting. God never caused the pain in your life. He gives you the life you have. Satan crawls in and tries to build his web around your life and your family. He tries to destroy the gift God gave you. However, God had a plan. Jesus is the Raid that came to destroy the enemy and his web of lies. The question is, "Are you going to let Jesus in to do that, or are you okay living with spiders in your life?"

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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