A Step Into the Past


My husband and I love to dress up in costume. We also love history, so it's no surprise that we jumped at the chance to attend a Renaissance fair. We travelled the night before the event and chose to stay at a hotel that night so that we could kick off the fair early the next day. Kyle and I threw on our costumes and left our hotel room for breakfast downstairs. A little Indian woman with a cleaning cart saw that we were preparing to load our car with luggage and said, "You're checking out?" We told her we were loading some luggage and would be back to which she replied she would check us out and call us if we left anything. Kyle and I looked at each other and said that we were committed now to wearing our costumes in the hotel lobby for a long time since the others that came with us were not ready yet and the option to return to our room was now gone. As we entered the breakfast room, all background noise stopped as everyone's eyes followed us. A lady asked if Kyle's kilt was his clan's colors. This was my chance to let everyone know we were not weirdos who wander around in costumes. I announced louder than I needed, "We are going to a Renaissance fair. We are both teachers!" I said this so the costumes made sense. This did not lessen the stares. We even encountered someone we knew from our town that happened to be staying in Kansas. What were the chances? After a long breakfast, I thought we were clear until some of our uncostumed friends asked to go to a very crowded and popular coffee houses. The stares increased. We finally left the awkwardness and drove to the festival. As we entered the festival, we joined thousands of other costumed crusaders and blended into the masses. It was a great time, but much less awkward and more fun  when we joined others willing to stand out. As our world changes, Christians are going to stand out more and more. When we follow the Bible, our ethics and lifestyles will be vastly different. Some will scoff while others will become angry. It will be hard to face the masses while standing firm in our faith. However, that's exactly what God has called us to do. We are to be a light in the darkness, pointing the way to Jesus. Here is the good news, hopefully, as you step into church, you will find so many standing up for God just as you do! This is why it is so important to not forsake gathering together. There is hope and courage when you know you're not the only one who looks different.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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