Hot Tamales!


Last night, our church joined with the local Spanish church to celebrate their one year anniversary. It was beautiful watching a packed house celebrate by worshipping God together in multiple languages. After the bilingual service, we enjoyed tamales cooked by a lovely woman from the Berryville Spanish church that also joined us. Now, I grew up on tamales, but I hadn't realized my children hadn't until my daughter asked me why they were so hard to cut. She was trying to cut through the husks! She then informed me that at least she didn't try to eat the tamales husks and all like her brother! I realized that maybe I needed to expose my kids to more food diversity. Isn't this how we are spiritually sometimes? We get accustomed to a certain way of doing things, so when God asks us to step out into something different, we balk. What if we embarrass ourselves? What if the unfamiliar doesn't work? What if I fail? The key is remembering when God calls us to try something new, He also empowers us. With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible! So I encourage you to listen closely, and when you hear the Lord asking you to step out in unfamiliar ground, be unafraid knowing He is with you every step of the way!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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