I Have a Magic Disappearing Silverware Drawer!

 The past few weeks have been very busy. Because of this, I jumped on the chance to stay home this weekend and catch up on laundry, cleaning dishes, and paperwork for my job. I was putting away silverware when I noticed that even though I had 12 knives the last time I did dishes, I now had four knives. It's magic! Where in the world does all of my silverware and cups go? I somehow think it may be a little less magic and a little more related to my family! My frustration continued as I filled my dishwasher. My dishwasher is one of those dishwashers that require you to wash the dishes before it washes the dishes. Sounds like my children sometimes! So basically, it is a large drying rack for my dishes. However, I've noticed lately that my dishes are still wet after it dries my dishes. This requires us to not only prewash the dishes, but also dry the dishes after it "dries" the dishes. It is basically useless. This makes me think about us as Christians. God has a purpose for us. We are to love the Lord, our God, with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is our function. As I test preschoolers, one of the sections of my language tests is identifying the purpose of objects. What do we do with a book? What does a refrigerator do? The question is, "Are you fulfilling your purpose?" Is God the most important person in your life? Do you listen to Him, and do what He says? Are you loving those God has placed in your life as you want to be loved? If not, then you are like my dishwasher- designed for a specific purpose, but completely ineffectual. What good is a dishwasher that doesn't wash? What good is a Christian who doesn't reflect Christ? The good news that we serve a Savior that repairs the broken and restores purpose!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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