I Took a Flying Leap


As we entered Thanksgiving this last week, I knew it would be a bit chaotic. Thanksgiving is the time when my herd migrates south to see my parents. At one point we could load into our truck and road trip. However, my grown kids pointed out they are no longer the size of five year olds and would not all fit in one car. They even offered to pay the gas, rent my other car, and even offered to drive their own car, so two cars were taken. We had girls in one, and guys in the other. After driving all day, we reached my childhood home to find out my dad was sick. He appeared for brief sightings and a family photo. As we left the day after Thanksgiving, I got a call from my mom saying they had the flu. By the time we made it home, my oldest was coughing. I took him to an urgent care and discovered the flu. During all of this, we were moving my son to his new apartment further north. We had borrowed a box trailer and loaded all of his pilfered furniture to take up the next day. On the last trip to the trailer (I say this literally), I carried the drawers from a dresser. As I walked to the trailer in the dark and slight mist, I spent the majority of my attention looking for doggy landmines. What I did not look out for was the wire cable that connected to the trailer ramp. My foot caught the wire, and I superman flew with a body flop onto the trailer that would rival a prowrestler. A loud bam echoed through our quiet neighborhood along with my moans. The drawers I happened to be carrying crashed down on my hand. After my husband picked me up, I limped back into the house. The next day, I felt like I was hit by a truck, but continued the mom duties of moving my son in between nursing sick kids. So if asked how was Thanksgiving, I would reply that I am so blessed. If we focus on what goes wrong, we will find it every time. However, when we take time to focus on what God has given us, the things that go wrong pale in comparison. I got to see my elderly parents for another year. I had all of my kids together for the first time in a year. We have a home in which to rest and breath to breathe. We are blessed. So as you see negativity in the world, take a flying leap into gratefulness this season. It will change your perspective. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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