Locked Out!


Have you ever found yourself locked out of something? I'm not one who typically loses her keys. If anything, I'm the one in the house who is commissioned to find things. You know what I'm talking about, right? My husband, "Where's my belt?" How about still hanging on your pants and folded across the basket of clean laundry? My son, "Where's my drink?" He asks this as he is staring straight into the refrigerator. I move one bottle and, voila, there it is! To which he replies, "I thought I looked there." So this weekend, a strange occurrence happened. I had finished working at the church, preparing for our upcoming Christmas play, when the time had come for me to take my leave. As I gathered all of my things and headed out the door, I realized I was missing my keys. I had locked my doors since I was alone at the church. I double and triple-checked the church to no avail. The keys were not in the church. That left one place they could be- my locked car! Normally, I would call my husband or one of my children to come get me. However, my husband, my children who live here, and most of our church had taken a trip to a football game three hours away! At one point, I literally cried out to God. "Help!!!" I knew there was a spare set of keys at my house, but it would have been a long, cold, and questionable walk home. At one point, I felt like I should call one of the ladies in the church who had not gone on the trip. There was no answer. Her husband usually works Saturdays, so I thought that was that. I would be sleeping on a pew, minus my dinner that was locked in my car, until my husband made it back late, late that night. When I had finally accepted that my rescue would not happen, my phone rang. The lady I had called did not return my call, but her husband did. He wasn't scheduled to work that day and had walked by her phone at the moment I had called. Within thirty minutes, I was rescued and sitting at home eating my dinner. The keys still have not been found, but my faith has been, strengthened. There is a song that states, "I called. You answered, and You came to my rescue. And I want to be where You are." Sometimes, we give up too soon. Today, if your faith is shaken, I want to encourage you that you may feel locked out of Heaven, God's presence, or His promises, but help is on the way! He hears your cries and is setting in motion your rescue. Don't give up! We know who holds the keys to Heaven, and He is more than willing to unlock the door!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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