The Lost is Found


Last week, I had lost my car keys. It seems that the older I get, the more I find that I can't find things. This is hard because I am the finder in our home. My husband read where a mother had created a finder's jar. Everytime she found someone's things, they placed money in the jar. The joke was that she bought a brand new car by the end of the year. This was me. Finding things was my superpower, so when my keys disappeared at church, it was extremely frustrating. Everytime I went to church, I searched for the missing keys. I tore my car apart looking for them. It's like they vanished. Finally, I had stopped by the church to use the restroom on one of my long drives when I happened to walk by a shelving unit with a decorative plastic sheet over it creating a curtain. We had covered it with the parrot scene for a children's vbs and left it there. As I walked by, the slight wind caught the plastic, and it billowed out revealing my missing keys! I was overjoyed that what was lost was found, not just my keys, but also my finding superpower! Isn't that a good illustration of God's love. When His children wander away, He doesn't sit by idly waiting for us to realize what we are missing. He passionately pursues us. When we are finally "found, " He rejoices. Think how excited we become when we find what we have lost and have been trying to find. How much more valuable are you to God than some missing keys? And ironic update: my husband lost his keys!


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