Back In the Hospital Again- How God Answered My Prayer Before I Prayed It


If you're wondering, yes, my husband was back in the hospital with pancreatitis again. Friday morning, he started the day telling me his stomach was hurting. I thought with all the viruses going around, we might have the flu or a stomach virus visiting our home. By noon, he called to tell me he felt the same as the last time he had pancreatitis, and by 2 pm, he was admitted into the hospital. I knew that there was going to be quite a few things I would be handling on my own while he was in the hospital, but I didn't realize the big thing that was coming. While driving to the hospital to bring Kyle his toiletries, I received a call from my youngest son. He told me something had happened to his tire while driving to school for a band engagement, and he needed help changing the tire. I could hear steady traffic swishing past him in the background. When I asked him with dread where he was stopped, he answered what I most feared. He was on the side of the road a mere one to two feet from the road at a very busy intersection during rush hour traffic. I could picture semi-trucks rocking his car from the force of air they displaced as they zoomed by him. I knew I would need to change the tire by those trucks. As I thought of the danger and my limited skills on changing tires, I prayed that God would help me since I was on my own. As I pulled up, I saw a car and two trucks behind my son's car. My old neighbor happened to be driving by when he saw my son, so he stopped to help. Right after that, because the opposing team's bus broke down, the principal and athletic director were arriving later to the school than normal and saw my son on the side of the road. They told me not to worry because they had it. Two changed the tire while my son and the other made sure traffic stayed clear of them while they changed the tire. Even though I felt overwhelmed by the circumstances of having my husband in the hospital and facing things alone, God had already set in motion help before the blow-out took place. Today, the fill-in minister for my husband shared Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will aanswer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. (NIV)

I am thankful He knows what we need before we even pray. And for those asking, my husband was released from the hospital this afternoon, much better. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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