The Best Gift Ever Given


As many of you know, this has been a rather stressful holiday season. After battling pancreatitis for the second time, my husband was released from the hospital feeling better. The cause of the pancreatitis is still unknown, but we are thankful he moved past this obstacle. However, the unexpected stay in the "medical spa" as my husband likes to call it, left him with little time to Christmas shop. It is a personal joke between us that he always waits until Christmas Eve to shop for me anyway, mostly because he swears I either figure out what he has bought me or buy the gift for myself. This is only partially true. My daughter decided to get me a robot vacuum for Christmas. I had always wanted one, but didn't want to pay the price for said vacuum. For this reason, she felt secure in buying me the vacuum during holiday sales. However, she was flummoxed when she noticed a purchase in my Amazon cart for a robotic vacuum. I had seen a sale come across my Facebook feed for a sweeping robot on sale for 90% off. For only $23.00 I had scored a robotic vacuum. I was excited until the package arrived. The tiny box revealed a small robot vacuum with a self-adhesive mopping cloth and two tiny sweeping brooms. To charge it, I had to manually plug the cord into the wall. I turned it on to watch it bounce from one surface to the next. Picture a toddler with a play vacuum/broom. The comparison was right on target. It didn't really vacuum. It created a static charge that caused the dog hair to adhere itself to the front of the vacuum. I had a little robotic Chihuahua bumping around my house. It would move around the same spot until I picked it up and moved it to another location. When my daughter finally presented a real vacuuming robot with the comment that I had already bought one, I laughed. Her gift was the genuine thing, while mine was a cheap imitation. You will be presented with many gifts this Christmas, but none will compare to the gift that God gave us all when Jesus entered this world. The gift God gave was true happiness through a life with Jesus being the center of of your priorities, dreams, and plans. Yes, you can find happiness in many ways, but they are all cheap imitations to the one true happiness that comes from loving and serving your Creator. So this Christmas, I offer you the best gift you will ever receive. I offer you the chance to let the love of God embrace your life.

May you have a blessed Christmas and Happy Birthday, Jesus!


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